Nome Elementary Lunchroom and Parking Lot needs
Adults are needed to join our students for lunches. This would be in an effort to work on the ambience of the lunchroom, reminding kids about good table manners, sitting in their seats while they eat, and using an appropriate voice level. Volunteers may eat with the students (the school will provide lunch), or just sit at a table and chat with them. The greatest needs occur during the first and third lunches, but help is welcome at all lunches. The times are:
Kinder/1st: 10:55-11:30
2nd/4th: 11:35-12:05
3rd/5th/6th: 12:10-12:45
Parking Lot
Another need is parking lot supervision in the mornings, about 7:50 to 8:00. A visible adult in the parking lot helps families remember to follow the traffic pattern, and encourages kids to use safe practices like walking on the sidewalk or center walkway, rather than across the lot/lanes of traffic.
You do not need to commit to every day for either of these needs. Just one day a week would be helpful and appreciated! Please email Julie Kelso at [email protected] if you are willing to help out in either of these areas and let me know which day(s) of the week would work for you.
Adults are needed to join our students for lunches. This would be in an effort to work on the ambience of the lunchroom, reminding kids about good table manners, sitting in their seats while they eat, and using an appropriate voice level. Volunteers may eat with the students (the school will provide lunch), or just sit at a table and chat with them. The greatest needs occur during the first and third lunches, but help is welcome at all lunches. The times are:
Kinder/1st: 10:55-11:30
2nd/4th: 11:35-12:05
3rd/5th/6th: 12:10-12:45
Parking Lot
Another need is parking lot supervision in the mornings, about 7:50 to 8:00. A visible adult in the parking lot helps families remember to follow the traffic pattern, and encourages kids to use safe practices like walking on the sidewalk or center walkway, rather than across the lot/lanes of traffic.
You do not need to commit to every day for either of these needs. Just one day a week would be helpful and appreciated! Please email Julie Kelso at [email protected] if you are willing to help out in either of these areas and let me know which day(s) of the week would work for you.
Classroom Volunteers
Volunteers in the classroom are always welcome. Contact your child's teacher directly or Julie Kelso at [email protected] if you'd like to volunteer in a classroom.
Nome Beltz Jr/Sr High School Lunch Duty
Volunteers are needed once a week to supervise the junior high or senior high school lunch. Receive a FREE lunch while you're at it! If interested, please contact Julie Kelso at [email protected]. High School lunch 12:00 - 12-35, Jr. High lunch 1:00 - 1:30.